Arizona bicycle laws

Arizona’s Bicycle Laws

By on February 28th, 2022

If you live in Arizona and are a frequent bike rider, it’s critical that you know the bike laws in your state and local area. After all, staying safe on the roads and trails should always be your top priority. Up ahead, we’ll outline all the basic things you should know regarding Arizona bike safety,…

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When Do You Sue When You Are Involved In A Phoenix Traffic Accident

When Do You Sue When You Are Involved In A Phoenix Traffic Accident

By on November 19th, 2019

If you are involved in a traffic accident in the state of Arizona, you have the right to file a lawsuit for the fair compensation of your injuries. However, while this principle is simple, going through the process of filing a lawsuit after a traffic accident can be complicated. Below, we’ve outlined everything you need…

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What Questions Should I Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer Phoenix AZ

What Questions Should I Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer?

By on November 5th, 2019

So, you’ve been injured due to the negligence of another person or entity, and you know you need the services of a personal injury lawyer. But where do you turn? It’s critical to find a personal injury lawyer who will be a good fit for you and the particular situation you find yourself in. Therefore,…

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Phoenix Arizona Rear End Collision

What to Know After A Rear End Collision

By on October 22nd, 2019

No matter what kind of auto accident you are in, you are almost guaranteed to have a hassle ahead of you. But different types of accidents present their own unique set of challenges. How to Prevent Rear-End Accidents  Across the country, rear-end accidents represent up to 30% of all traffic accidents, and they happen no…

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How Responsibility Is Assessed In A Traffic Accident

How Responsibility Is Assessed In A Traffic Accident

By on October 8th, 2019

Traffic accidents are a stressful experience for everyone involved, and when there is damage to the vehicles involved or injuries to the drivers or others in the vicinity, that stress only multiplies. Of course, the first question to ask is, “Is everyone okay?”, but after that, it’s time to determine fault. In Phoenix, Arizona there…

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Dog Bite Laws Phoenix Arizona

Dog Bite Laws In Phoenix Arizona: What You Should Know?

By on September 24th, 2019

Dogs enrich our lives in many ways, but as much as they are friendly companions, they also can be dangerous if they bite. In Arizona, dog owners and caretakers are held responsible for dog bites. That can be comforting if you are the person who was bitten by a dog, or somewhat distressing if it…

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